7 research outputs found

    TRAMMAS: Enhancing Communication in Multiagent Systems

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Over the last years, multiagent systems have been proven to be a powerful and versatile paradigm, with a big potential when it comes to solving complex problems in dynamic and distributed environments, due to their flexible and adaptive behavior. This potential does not only come from the individual features of agents (such as autonomy, reactivity or reasoning power), but also to their capability to communicate, cooperate and coordinate in order to fulfill their goals. In fact, it is this social behavior what makes multiagent systems so powerful, much more than the individual capabilities of agents. The social behavior of multiagent systems is usually developed by means of high level abstractions, protocols and languages, which normally rely on (or at least, benefit from) agents being able to communicate and interact indirectly. However, in the development process, such high level concepts habitually become weakly supported, with mechanisms such as traditional messaging, massive broadcasting, blackboard systems or ad hoc solutions. This lack of an appropriate way to support indirect communication in actual multiagent systems compromises their potential. This PhD thesis proposes the use of event tracing as a flexible, effective and efficient support for indirect interaction and communication in multiagent systems. The main contribution of this thesis is TRAMMAS, a generic, abstract model for event tracing support in multiagent systems. The model allows all entities in the system to share their information as trace events, so that any other entity which require this information is able to receive it. Along with the model, the thesis also presents an abstract architecture, which redefines the model in terms of a set of tracing facilities that can be then easily incorporated to an actual multiagent platform. This architecture follows a service-oriented approach, so that the tracing facilities are provided in the same way than other traditional services offered by the platform. In this way, event tracing can be considered as an additional information provider for entities in the multiagent system, and as such, it can be integrated from the earliest stages of the development process.[ES] A lo largo de los últimos años, los sistemas multiagente han demostrado ser un paradigma potente y versátil, con un gran potencial a la hora de resolver problemas complejos en entornos dinámicos y distribuidos, gracias a su comportamiento flexible y adaptativo. Este potencial no es debido únicamente a las características individuales de los agentes (como son su autonomía, y su capacidades de reacción y de razonamiento), sino que también se debe a su capacidad de comunicación y cooperación a la hora de conseguir sus objetivos. De hecho, por encima de la capacidad individual de los agentes, es este comportamiento social el que dota de potencial a los sistemas multiagente. El comportamiento social de los sistemas multiagente suele desarrollarse empleando abstracciones, protocolos y lenguajes de alto nivel, los cuales, a su vez, se basan normalmente en la capacidad para comunicarse e interactuar de manera indirecta de los agentes (o como mínimo, se benefician en gran medida de dicha capacidad). Sin embargo, en el proceso de desarrollo software, estos conceptos de alto nivel son soportados habitualmente de manera débil, mediante mecanismos como la mensajería tradicional, la difusión masiva, o el uso de pizarras, o mediante soluciones totalmente ad hoc. Esta carencia de un soporte genérico y apropiado para la comunicación indirecta en los sistemas multiagente reales compromete su potencial. Esta tesis doctoral propone el uso del trazado de eventos como un soporte flexible, efectivo y eficiente para la comunicación indirecta en sistemas multiagente. La principal contribución de esta tesis es TRAMMAS, un modelo genérico y abstracto para dar soporte al trazado de eventos en sistemas multiagente. El modelo permite a cualquier entidad del sistema compartir su información en forma de eventos de traza, de tal manera que cualquier otra entidad que requiera esta información sea capaz de recibirla. Junto con el modelo, la tesis también presenta una arquitectura {abs}{trac}{ta}, que redefine el modelo como un conjunto de funcionalidades que pueden ser fácilmente incorporadas a una plataforma multiagente real. Esta arquitectura sigue un enfoque orientado a servicios, de modo que las funcionalidades de traza son ofrecidas por parte de la plataforma de manera similar a los servicios tradicionales. De esta forma, el trazado de eventos puede ser considerado como una fuente adicional de información para las entidades del sistema multiagente y, como tal, puede integrarse en el proceso de desarrollo software desde sus primeras etapas.[CA] Al llarg dels últims anys, els sistemes multiagent han demostrat ser un paradigma potent i versàtil, amb un gran potencial a l'hora de resoldre problemes complexes a entorns dinàmics i distribuïts, gràcies al seu comportament flexible i adaptatiu. Aquest potencial no és només degut a les característiques individuals dels agents (com són la seua autonomia, i les capacitats de reacció i raonament), sinó també a la seua capacitat de comunicació i cooperació a l'hora d'aconseguir els seus objectius. De fet, per damunt de la capacitat individual dels agents, es aquest comportament social el que dóna potencial als sistemes multiagent. El comportament social dels sistemes multiagent solen desenvolupar-se utilitzant abstraccions, protocols i llenguatges d'alt nivell, els quals, al seu torn, es basen normalment a la capacitat dels agents de comunicar-se i interactuar de manera indirecta (o com a mínim, es beneficien en gran mesura d'aquesta capacitat). Tanmateix, al procés de desenvolupament software, aquests conceptes d'alt nivell son suportats habitualment d'una manera dèbil, mitjançant mecanismes com la missatgeria tradicional, la difusió massiva o l'ús de pissarres, o mitjançant solucions totalment ad hoc. Aquesta carència d'un suport genèric i apropiat per a la comunicació indirecta als sistemes multiagent reals compromet el seu potencial. Aquesta tesi doctoral proposa l'ús del traçat d'esdeveniments com un suport flexible, efectiu i eficient per a la comunicació indirecta a sistemes multiagent. La principal contribució d'aquesta tesi és TRAMMAS, un model genèric i abstracte per a donar suport al traçat d'esdeveniments a sistemes multiagent. El model permet a qualsevol entitat del sistema compartir la seua informació amb la forma d'esdeveniments de traça, de tal forma que qualsevol altra entitat que necessite aquesta informació siga capaç de rebre-la. Junt amb el model, la tesi també presenta una arquitectura abstracta, que redefineix el model com un conjunt de funcionalitats que poden ser fàcilment incorporades a una plataforma multiagent real. Aquesta arquitectura segueix un enfoc orientat a serveis, de manera que les funcionalitats de traça són oferides per part de la plataforma de manera similar als serveis tradicionals. D'aquesta manera, el traçat d'esdeveniments pot ser considerat com una font addicional d'informació per a les entitats del sistema multiagent, i com a tal, pot integrar-se al procés de desenvolupament software des de les seues primeres etapes.Búrdalo Rapa, LA. (2016). TRAMMAS: Enhancing Communication in Multiagent Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61765TESISCompendi

    The Information Flow Problem in multi-agent systems

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    [EN] One of the problems related to the multi-agent systems area is the adequate exchange of information within the system. This problem is not only related to the availability of highly efficient and sophisticated message-passing mechanisms, which are in fact provided with by current multi-agent platforms, but also to the election of an appropriate communication strategy, which may also greatly influence the ability of the system to cope with the exchange of large amounts of data. Ideally, the communication strategy should be compatible with how the information flows in the system, that is, how agents share their knowledge with each other in order to fulfill the system-level goals. In this way, MAS designers must deal with the problem of analyzing the multi-agent system with respect the communication strategy that best suits the way the information flows in that particular system. This paper presents a formalization of this problem, which has been coined as the Information Flow Problem, and also presents a complete case study with an empirical evaluation involving four well-known communication strategies and eight typical multi-agent systems.This work was partially supported by MINECO/FEDER TIN2015-65515-C4-1-R and TIN2014-55206-R of the Spanish government.Búrdalo Rapa, LA.; Terrasa Barrena, AM.; Julian Inglada, VJ.; García-Fornes, A. (2018). The Information Flow Problem in multi-agent systems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 70:130-141. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2018.01.011S1301417

    Analyzing the effect of gain time on soft task scheduling policies in real-time systems

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    In hard real-time systems, gain time is defined as the difference between the Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) of a hard task and its actual processor consumption at runtime. This paper presents the results of an empirical study about how the presence of a significant amount of gain time in a hard real-time system questions the advantages of using the most representative scheduling algorithms or policies for aperiodic or soft tasks in fixed-priority preemptive systems. The work presented here refines and complements many other studies in this research area in which such policies have been introduced and compared. This work has been performed by using the authors' testing framework for soft scheduling policies, which produces actual, synthetic, randomly generated applications, executes them in an instrumented Real-Time Operating System (RTOS), and finally processes this information to obtain several statistical outcomes. The results show that, in general, the presence of a significant amount of gain time reduces the performance benefit of the scheduling policies under study when compared to serving the soft tasks in background, which is considered the theoretical worst case. In some cases, this performance benefit is so small that the use of a specific scheduling policy for soft tasks is questionable. © 2012 IEEE.This work is partially funded by research projects PROMETEO/2008/051, CSD2007-022, and TIN2008-04446.Búrdalo Rapa, LA.; Terrasa Barrena, AM.; Espinosa Minguet, AR.; García Fornes, AM. (2012). Analyzing the effect of gain time on soft task scheduling policies in real-time systems. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 38(6):1305-1318. https://doi.org/10.1109/TSE.2011.95S1305131838

    Analyzing the effect of gain time on soft task scheduling policies in real-time systems

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    Búrdalo Rapa, LA. (2011). Analyzing the effect of gain time on soft task scheduling policies in real-time systems. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/11396.Archivo delegad

    TRAMMAS: A tracing model for multiagent systems

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    Agents flexibility and autonomy, as well as their capacity to coordinate and cooperate, are some of the features which make multiagent systems useful to work in dynamic and distributed environments. These key features are directly related to the way in which agents communicate and perceive each other, as well as their environment and surrounding conditions. Traditionally, this has been accomplished by means of message exchange or by using blackboard systems. These traditional methods have the advantages of being easy to implement and well supported by multiagent platforms; however, their main disadvantage is that the amount of social knowledge in the system directly depends on every agent actively informing of what it is doing, thinking, perceiving, etc. There are domains, for example those where social knowledge depends on highly distributed pieces of data provided by many different agents, in which such traditional methods can produce a great deal of overhead, hence reducing the scalability, efficiency and flexibility of the multiagent system. This work proposes the use of event tracing in multiagent systems, as an indirect interaction and coordination mechanism to improve the amount and quality of the information that agents can perceive from both their physical and social environment, in order to fulfill their goals more efficiently. In order to do so, this work presents an abstract model of a tracing system and an architectural design of such model, which can be incorporated to a typical multiagent platform.This work is partially supported by projects PROMETEO/2008/051, CS02007-022, TIN2008-04446 and TIN2009-13839-C03-01.Búrdalo Rapa, LA.; Terrasa Barrena, AM.; Julian Inglada, VJ.; García-Fornes, A. (2011). TRAMMAS: A tracing model for multiagent systems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 24(7):1110-1119. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2011.06.010S1110111924

    An adaptive framework for monitoring agent organizations

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10796-013-9478-xMultiagent technologies are usually considered to be suitable for constructing agent organizations that are capable of running in dynamic and distributed environments and that are able to adapt to changes as the system runs. The necessary condition for this adaptation ability is to make agents aware of significant changes in both the environment and the organization. This paper presents mechanism, which helps agents detecting adaptation requirements dynamically at run time, and an Trace&Trigger, which is an adaptation framework for agent organizations. It consists of an event-tracing-based monitoring mechanism that provides organizational agents with information related to the costs and benefits of carrying out an adaptation process at each moment of the execution. This framework intends to overcome some of the problems that are present in other approaches by allowing the dynamic specification of the information that has to be retrieved by each agent at each moment for adaptation deliberation, avoiding the transference of useless information for adaptation deliberation. This framework has been integrated in the Magentix2 multiagent platform. In order to test its performance benefits for any agent organization, an example based on a market scenario is also presentedThis work has been supported by projects TIN2011-27652-C03-01 and TIN2012-36586-C03-01.Alberola Oltra, JM.; Búrdalo Rapa, LA.; Julian Inglada, VJ.; Terrasa Barrena, AM.; García-Fornes, A. (2014). An adaptive framework for monitoring agent organizations. Information Systems Frontiers. 16(2):239-256. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-013-9478-xS239256162Abdu, H., Lutfiyya, H., Bauer, M.A. (1999). A model for adaptive monitoring configurations. 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    Magentix 2 User's Manual

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    USER’S MANUAL. Version 2.1.0. January 2015Magentix2 is an agent platform for open Multiagent Systems. Its main objective is to bring agent technology to real domains: business, industry, logistics, e-commerce, health-care, etc. Magentix2 platform is proposed as a continuation of the first Magentix platform. The final goal is to extend the functionalities of Magentix, providing new services and tools to allow the secure and optimized management of open Multiagent Systems. Nowadays, Magentix2 provides support at three levels: - Organization level, technologies and techniques related to agent societies. - Interaction level, technologies and techniques related to communications between agents. - Agent level, technologies and techniques related to individual agents (such as reasoningand learning). Thus, Magentix2 platform uses technologies with the necessary capacity to cope with the dynamism of the system topology and with flexible interactions, which are both natural consequences of the distributed and autonomous nature of its components. In this sense, the platform has been extended in order to support flexible interaction protocols and conversations, indirect communication and interactions among agent organizations. Moreover, other important aspects cover by the Magentix2 project are the security issues.Botti Navarro, VJ.; Argente Villaplana, E.; Alemany Bordera, J.; Bellver Faus, J.; Búrdalo Rapa, LA.; Carrascosa Casamayor, C.; Criado Pacheco, N.... (2015). Magentix 2 User's Manual. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/4845